Concrete Material Science

Language of instruction: English

Link to Course Catalogue

Concrete Material Science examines how concrete properties are affected by its microstructure and how its microstructure is controlled by processing and composition. To achieve this, the course comprises a comprehensive presentation of the different techniques used to characterize concrete and its constituents, both in research and construction practice.


Tue 10:00-12:00 
HIL F 10.3

R.J.Flatt, T.Wangler

In this course you will gain a thorough understanding of common techniques for characterizing engineering, microstructural, physical and chemical properties of concrete. You will learn how this knowledge can be used both in research and industrial environments.

In practice, these techniques are used, for example, to evaluate new materials, diagnose causes of problems, determine responsibilities, handle reclaims or quality insurance as well as devise an experimental program in research and development.

Throughout the course various references you will also learn about how concrete can be designed to have a reduced environmental impact and increased service life.

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